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"Transitions and change in life give us the richest opportunities for growth."

- Donna Brandenburg

Initiatives We Support

BMLTC is a privately funded organization. Inherent in our mission is the development of programs, and the provision of financial resources, that strive to “lift“ the individual during periods of emotional and spiritual transition. These periods are are often initiated by major life altering circumstances that illicit emotional or spiritual change in a person's life, and may involve:

  • Loss of a loved one, including pets
  • Life altering changes due to a health condition
  • Tramatic events and the psychological aftermath
  • Changes in career or employment circumstances
  • Relationship challenges and connections with others
We view our mission and goals through our philosophy and partner with those who embrace these ideals.

We do not provide funding for operational phases of established programs or research/studies unless they are an integral part of a larger program being considered.

We are not currently funding new initiatives. Projects are considered based upon areas of need identified through internal research consistent with our goals and philosophy.

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